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beomgyu luvr · 21h

hmm this may be a big big request but you should make a thread of the lost media of soogyu in 2019 and 2020. we need to show ppl that soogyu didn't just get close recently, or that their moments arent being filmed now.

some of the moments I found in my bookmarks

i mean... they're labelled lost media for a reason 😭 lots of them that aren't being talked about are mostly paid contents, some fansign contents were also lost bc the posters deactivated, and if it's from the non-subbed t:time and episodes... i wouldn't know since i don't know much korean :( maybe when i watch old contents or randomly remember them i can post tweets about them here and there!

beomgyu luvr · 23h

omg soogyu in 2019-2020 was another era... they used to be so so physical with each other.

they used to play with each other's hands, petting their heads, hugging, being so physically close. like I feel like if the new fans and shippers saw the way soobin would be all physical with beomgyu, ppl would think it's less of a one-sided thing? bc I feel like soobin had tone down on skinship in general? like he was very expressive in a physical sense during their rookie days!!

beomgyu luvr · 1d

ngl i'd love to see a homoerotic photoshoot of these two it's about time lmao but then again maybe they won't really want that so a cover would be nice too... if they're gonna be called a fanservice ship, bh might as well give them an opportunity to give fanservice materials.

and youre right 2021 was wild bc they were soooo loud? who would have thought that roommates breakup would bring them closer... but when i thought that nothing could top that, we got 2023 soogyu... and 2024.... though i still kinda miss 2019 soogyu bc they had more skinship back then like hugging or holding hands, puppy stage of love

beomgyu luvr · 1d

ohhh you got me! since we started liking them around the same time i feel like we'd click so feel free to start the yapping session haha i don't usually want to write a long think piece but if someone starts talking about it first, everything just starts pouring x__x talking about soogyu here is never a bother to me!

beomgyu luvr · 2d
beomgyu luvr · 2d
beomgyu luvr · 1mo

idk if this counts as a topic but pls post about soogyu sitting on ravh other's laps 🥰🥰🥰

beomgyu luvr · 6d

one thing that i find very cute is that bg posted his cover (sukidakara) on confession day in japan and sb posted his cover on valentine's day and that the theme of bg's cover was spring which it sounds similar to his name (봄-bom-spring) and that the name of sb's cover sounds similar to his name as well (숲-soop-forest) sometimes i think that they planned this together lol oh my soopbom 😂

that's why i love it so much when moas put sukidakara and forest together (like for merch, edits, etc) it's like they come as a package... soogyu come as a package even when it comes to their covers 😢

beomgyu luvr · 10d

it's time to just start blocking people, friend 🙏 everything so fawking serious around here i was giggling over some silly tweets and looked at the comments and you bet you'll catch at least one person going "ackshually 🤓☝️" in there like omfg

i wish they could just block me instead, i've blocked like 2k accounts back then and now i just cant be bothered anymore 😪 also havent blocked ppl for so long bc somehow they always take it personally

beomgyu luvr · 12d

i think they do have twitter accounts and keep up with the stuff posted by big accounts... probably not the shippers unless they're into that? (beomgyu, i'm looking at you). it's funny that they're communicating through the fans but then again i'm not complaining bc we're getting little details about their lives this way <3

beomgyu luvr · 13d

i think its quite sweet how beomgyu calls soobin 'hyung' more out of habit and endearment than for the sake of respect

yess :(( he's "soobin hyung" for beomgyu only but no one else is allowed to say that soobin is his hyung (he gets so offended for some reason)

beomgyu luvr · 14d

im so excited to see all end of year wrap up of soogyu moments for 2024

i'm already dizzy thinking of voting for the best one bc the candidates are super strong and we keep getting new ones... not complaining though 🥰

beomgyu luvr · 14d

manifestation is REAL

thank you for this rs, aside from the whole soogyu thing, i'm actually trying to manifest something right now and this message came like a Sign that i shouldn't give up or something haha

beomgyu luvr · 17d

wait what’s cocoklogi im so curious i keep seeing people say soogyu may live together but i can’t find anything on it

yeah basically it's just assumptions and people connecting the dots and whatsoever but it's not 100% real or confirmed so take it with a grain of salt!

beomgyu luvr · 17d

Since I saw this, video, I think op told Beomgyu all their ring sizes. So I have a feeling he could remember it and get a ring to certain someone to seal the deal. It would align with the new theories going around lmao 😭😭 (but I will also kinda miss all 5 of them being together, and their silly stories 😭😭😭 )

WOW... OP... beomgyu would def be the one to get the ring and propose first though, he's the hopeless romantic 🤭 soogyu are gone for 3 days and soogyuists are suddenly exposing their dorm situation rip this is what happens when they don't give us contents

anyway i knooow it's kinda sad since i rmb taehyun loved seeing 5 shoes at the entrance, and i got a feeling that soobin liked staying in the living room so he'd be around if the other members want to come over to play :( but i'm glad soogyu got each other at least!

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