#4001 · 4 answers · 4y

Do you suffer from "Weltschmerz" ?
How do you cope with troubles in an ever interconnected world?

I do. I think most people do, which is why idealism appeals to most of us. My way of coping is imagining I'm the tyrannical sole ruler of the world with god-like abilities used to make examples of those I deem morally repugnant.. Feelsgoodman.jpg

I don't feel it tbh. I know the world has a lot of problems, but it'd be overwhelming to try and claim all of those problems as my own and feel responsible for them, so I don't. I disconnect myself and try to focus on what I can help with

Never. People have been saying the world’s going to hell since we lived in caves. Human beings are awful to other human beings - always have been always will be. And don’t let anyone - especially the religious, who’ve been heralding the end of the world for centuries - tell you otherwise. We’re very good at coming up with new and exciting ways to be awful to each other. Just now it’s the internet, but in the past it was slavery, or colonialism, or nuclear weapons, or capitalism. Nothing will ever change. It’s what we do.

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