Pandy · 12 answers · 1y

You're chilling in your home and all of a sudden a 10cm leg span hunter spider confidently shows itself - what, if anything, do you do?

"CAUTION! This show contains scenes that some viewers may find disturbing."

I murder the spider in cold blood.

I’m not generally afraid of spiders. Is it behaving defensively? Chillin’? If it’s behaving defensively then I’m getting the bug spray and a broom. If it’s just chillin, I’m getting the dust pan and the broom and taking it outside.

It's got three days as a guest, then it can start chipping in on the rent or it can GTFO 😛

I look it up on Google to get to know it and see if it poses any risk. Also I think about any old shoe boxes I might have to offer it a new home.

Ha! That’s nothing. Did I tell you about the time an American cockroach sccurried over my arm to my elbow, and then stared me in the eyes with its surprisingly tiny face and large eyes ? Yeah…

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