Pandy · 8 answers · 1y

If you have working experience, what makes a manager a good one?

the simplest way I can think of putting it - a good manager clearly defines what job is expected, then clears (and keeps clear) the path for their team to do their job...any obstacle to doing their job, be it training, resources, supplies, other people interfering, whatever...a good manager clears things and then backs TFO and lets them operate until there is another obstacle that needs clearing

One that doesnt try to micromange every little f***ing thing. I had one that had this whole prespective of being the boss of the whole store and she was trying to tell other departments she had no control over what to do. Thankfully shes at a differemt store now. Everyone HATED her.

A manager should have two main fields of knowledge and expertise: Know how to treat people and know how work can be done. Many have blind spots in the latter field and are a complete failure in the former.

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