Merida · 12 answers · 2y

Have you ever been chilling in your bed/coach for a while and suddenly, you start smelling some kind of fragrance but nothing around is different? It happens to me constantly and it's creepy tbh 😭

Yup. I can sometimes smell what the upstairs people are cooking because of the botched ventilation system.

You had corona? It is a known effect long after the infection has gone that smelling sensations like that can happen?

What kind of fragrance— perfume? Cologne?
I had a similar experience once when we were walking in a forested area. It was a delicious almost effervescent smell, like Haribo Coca Cola gummies— or like root beer. No one else could smell it but it made me feel very giddy and happy on our walk.

A pleasant fragrance? Nah, that's never happened to me that I can recall. I've smelled sort of melting plastic or burning rubber before a seizure. I've also smelled this overwhelming sort of metallic scent, kind of like copper, or it'd smell the way an iron supplement tastes.

When this happens to me, it is almost always the food I put on the stove and then lose my appetite and forget I put it on there

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