Arman · 10 answers · 1y

[Hot take on why men don't like promiscuous women] "As a women if you get pregnant, you know for a fact that child is yours. But if that women slept with other men, you cannot guarantee paternity. I know in the past 40 years it's possible through DNA tests but that doesn't undo hundreds of thousands of years of evolution and biology." Thoughts? Counterarguments?

I’ve heard this before, and it’s true: men can never be 100% sure the child their partner gave birth to is theirs and not the milkman’s. Historically, the only things they’ve had to go by are the honesty of their partner, and any shred of family resemblance. (Personally, I think women who lie to men about them being their child’s father are despicable.)

I always laugh at men who’ve been TRAPPED into fatherhood against their will. “All I did was have unprotected sex three times with this harlot I met in the pub and now I’m expected to pay for/bring up her child for the next two decades!” If you don’t want to be a parent it’s very simple to prevent that from ever happening. If you can’t trust the person you’re having sex with, maybe think about how risky having unprotected sex with a bunch of strangers is. Don’t expect a drunk stranger you met an hour ago to take responsibility for your future. BUT, I don’t believe that is the reason men hate promiscuous women. I think it’s more to do with him being the first. Because if all women are innocent virgins, she doesn’t have anything to gauge how shit you are in bed. How little you’ll do to satisfy her. How clueless you are. How small your penis is. How just shooting your load and rolling over isn’t really a very nice thing to do. The male ego is a fragile, fragile thing when it comes to their little chum and their ‘performance’. A lot of them really don’t like that they’re being compared to the bloke from the gym last weekend. So they call women whores and sluts and whatever else for their own benefit. To protect themselves.

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