LaDamaX · 12 answers · 1y

What sauces or spreads go on your bread when preparing yourself a sandwich? Butter? Mayonnaise? Mustard?

I was on a bus in Edinburgh once and a mormon got on. A few stops later, another mormon got on - what are the odds? Of course, they instantly recognised they were both on the same mission from god, so they sat together. They started shouting/speaking to each other about the pastor, the other missionaries, and then they got on to what being in Scotland was like. One of them asked if the other had tried haggis. He replied that he had and they both agreed that haggis tasted just like “sausage” - god alone knows what kind of sausages they have in Utah, but they have my sympathy. Then one of them says, “The worst thing is, they put butter on their sandwiches.” To which the other hastily agreed. I sat there thinking, “What else would you put on a sandwich?!” If we put mayonnaise on a sandwich, be assured there’s already butter on there!

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