Daniel · 13 answers · 2y

What made you think “Fuck, I’m not young anymore”?

I started to feel that way after I turned 23 or so. I think it was because by that age my parents already had a 2 and 4-year old and had immigrated to a new country.

🥺what... Why would you ask such a thing ? Lol i admit playing with my friends kids i see they are full of a spark and energy. Sometimes life's problems dull that spark.. but you have to find ways to reignite it over and over.

When I got abysmally tired at 3 o'clock in the morning and lost fun in being out that night.

Someone on Twitter said something like, "okay, I'll bite. Who is Britney Spears?"

Taylor Swifts '22'... its the latest age I've heard in media for being young... unless you die. Then the news will call you young.

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