Daniel · 10 answers · 2y

Do you think it's likely that Russia will also invade Poland soon?

Looking into Putin a bit more, he seems to think the USSR splitting was the biggest tragedy of the 20th century... I think he has romantic idea of bringing the soviet union back... maybe if things work out for him he'll try to take Poland again..?

I think I read in the news that Putin said: "It was a mistake to grant the Republics the right to leave the USSR." I assume Poland wasn't a part of USSR? But it has long-standing conflict with Russia? I don't know much about the Russian history TBH ...

No. Not unless he wants to start WW3. Invading Ukraine is one (massively fucked up) thing, but Poland is a member of NATO, and if NATO works as it's supposed to, a lot of countries will be drawn in to the war to defend Poland. And while the US is tied up in that, Xinnie the Pooh might be very tempted to invade Taiwan...

That reasoning could very well lead to a case where Mexico demands its former provinces back, which include California, New Mexico, Arizona, Texas and a few others.

The only thing I know anymore is that there are no good guys, not Putin, not those Nazis in the Ukraine, and certainly not the US/NATO

Within the next week or so? No.

But if we don't act, he will push his way across Easter Europe, beginning with the old Soviet bloc.

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