Annoying. Let people be and stop playing this BS question game to make a point about something that is none of your (his) business.

Personally if someone told me those things about themselves I'd just respond with "Cool! Good for you" or something like that and then move on. Honestly, I'm not gonna argue with random people and show them my idea of right or wrong or dictate them how they should feel about themselves.

What Sean said, its premises are wrong. Height is an objective measurement, gender isn't. Plus, he didn't distinguish ethnicity from nationality.

The video is of the usual quality you'll expect on Tiktok. The content though .... geeez.

I don't know what the point of it is, the comparisons are off (i.e. comparing something like height to gender identity makes no point whatsoever) and mostly these people have it right, some rando steps to you saying they're whatever and they aren't hurting anybody just say 'OK neato cool story' and move on, why do people think you have to be confrontational over things that mean nothing at all? Ugh

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