Daniel · 14 answers · 1y

0% alcohol beer-yay or nay?

I’m not a beer drinker. I don’t like the taste and it makes me want to pee. If you like the flavour and want to drive home from the pub, I don’t see anything wrong with it.

The only time I could see drinking it is if I needed to fool somebody into thinking I was drinking alcoholic beer but I needed to stay sober - this sounds like one elaborate prank lemme tell ya

Nay. As someone who doesn't drink alcohol any more, I wouldn't touch non-alcoholic because it would likely end up with me drinking the real thing again. My dad has fallen into that trap more than once.

Nay personally. But a yay that it exists. Might be a yay personally when I drive to pubs.

If you like it. I’m not a huge fan of beer in general. I don’t find the taste appealing.

if you really like the taste of beer but want to skip on the alcohol, why not?

let people enjoy things gdi

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