Arman · 9 answers · 1y

What's the word you always forget how to spell? For me, it's diarrhea.

Floccinaucinihilipilification. It’s sounds like ‘flockynocky’ - nothing like it’s written.

Coccidioides ....? My browser is telling me that's wrong so i'm sure it's wrong. That's why I just keep it cool and sexy and say "l valley fever"

I forget how to spell basically every word that isn't diarrhea.

I used to have trouble with diarrhea too (spelling it, I mean) when I was a kid. I only remember how to spell it now because a defunct band I really liked had it in their name.

I'm generally extremely good at remembering how words are spelled (my mom calls me the walking dictionary), but there are a few words that I have to look up every time I use them. I can never remember what they are off-hand, though.

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