.・。.・゜・✫Fluffles✫・゜・。. · 28d

I feel so bad for your G.F....she should dump your disgusting ass. I bet she's miserable with you and she'll be your next "I was abused," story. I hope you're raped again like your little Daddy did, If he even did in the first place.

this broke me. thank you. this broke me to finally caving and saying fuck it and writing this bitch of a thing out while crying after i already broke down today

p.s. my gf said 'I was just gonna say;

Speak on my behalf like that again anon and watch what happens. I'm tired of being nice.

I am quite happy, even the happiest I've ever been in my life because of him! I love Kirby, and seeing people use me as a standing piece in their harassment despite not even knowing my NAME angers me to no end. Saying this vile shit on my behalf is disgusting.'

bringing up my father and saying you wish i get raped again is my fucking line and im actually done


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