Kate Matsuda · 8 answers · 1y

Did your parents ever approve of your friend you brought home? Did your mom think your love interest was a good person? What did she say?

Didn't see or talk to my mom much between the ages of 7-20. Avoided introducing friends to my dad as much as I could. But no, neither of my parents have ever really "approved" of anyone or anything that I am involved with. They adjust to some of it, though.

My mom is the kind of transphobic person who thinks trans people are cis gay people, who want to be straight in order to "fit in". It's been nearly a decade, she still obviously feels this way. So nothing I do in my life can ever make her happy, or happy for me, because she believes I'm a deeply tortured cis gay man. It doesn't matter to her that I'm queer, because a lot of people, especially people like this, tend to erase anything that isn't monosexuality.

And my dad, he'll think one thing one day, and nearly the opposite two days later even though none of the information has changed. He'll like someone, the next time he talks about them he'll think they're garbage. The next-next time he talks about them he'll like them again, and so on, forever. So sometimes he thought my wife was like a saint, and sometimes he just resented her and thought she was "too old" for me. You can't really nail down how he feels about anything or anyone, and he can't really tell you. He says it's because I'm confusing or complicated. But even if that were true of me (it's not), things related to me are not the only things he flip-flops on. It's just everything.

I love them, but I don't care if they think someone is a good person or not. Because I really don't trust that they know who is and isn't a good person.

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