anonnie · 17d

What makes you hate a person. Not rationally but what little quirk or thing makes you automatically irrationally despise someone?

I wont lie and say I dont dislike people, but there isn't just one, singular thing. I have issues and facets and past problems etc that can make me dislike someone for one thing, but not dislike someone who does the same thing. It's all subjective, random, environmental, how you're feeling that week, what you're going thru at that point in time. It can also be inner projection, like projecting insecurities or your own faults onto another person. Things that are unfair, too. I try to not see my dislike (or hate) of someone to be inherently their fault and blame them for it (bc its a lot of the time its a me problem, not them, etc.) i try to not fault the person for why i dont like them (unless its like actually shitty stuff) bc we are all doing what we can in the world. i will just block or not talk to them or be pleasant when interacting but not move forward in a friendship or another meaningful way.

theres also so much nuance to someone and hate is a really strong emotion. sometimes we love someone despite them doing something we despise. so i think you can look at it that in the context of hating, too.

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