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I enjoy answering questions about my translation choices, character analysis/meta, and general franchise thoughts! I don't like to talk about shipping or make predictions, though.

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Anonymous Head · 6d

Just wanna start off with a big thank you for all the hardwork you put in your tls!! You're truly a lifesaver🙏💕
The recent cozmez interview mentions that kanata has a "core memory of santa saving them" do you know the source for where was this first mentioned? I vaguely remember that it was in an old magazine interview or smth but I can't remember which www

It's from the What's Up? Pararai feature in the December 2020 issue of Animedia, I believe. :V

Animedia is one of those holdouts who don't release ebook copies, so they're frustrating to get a hold of back issues, on top of making translating stuff from them a little annoying since I have to rely on being able to find hard copies most of the time, but if you give me a proverbial minute I may be able to finagle my way into it.
(... full disclosure, I'd just translate the short interviews, I don't want to translate a bunch of four year old magazine copy, lol)

Anonymous Head · 6d

do you know where I can find a clear version of the cozmez logo that nayuta wears on his jacket? (The drawing of both snakes intertwined). I swear I found a clear PNG before but I just can't find it now. Sorry for making a gallery-related question btw.

If what you are referring to is the cozmez logo from early materials (the one on the breast of Nayuta's jacket and it's also used in some early places like, e.g., the fanbook), then I'll drop my copy of it in the replies to this tweet. If this isn't what you're asking for then I may not be able to help haha. :'D

Anonymous Head · 15d

hiii say that i want to cite something from your translations e.g for a character analysis how would you prefer i go about it? i don’t really know the policy around translations for media like this all i know is not to link it anywhere the company can see it but if it is a personal post am i allowed to mention “translations sources from username” / link your site?

Yeah, that's fine! I don't really mind as long as you're not literally uploading large parts of my translations anywhere else. I don't strictly require credit if you're just referencing but if you want to say something like "I'm using translations from for a lot of this" then that's more than enough!

Anonymous Head · 16d

hi ive been binging all of your translations recently so really interesting to hear that youre going to document some of your process but anyways in the tl for scarface kenta has the line "stop whining and nut the fuck up" which is so??? i love it but im curious abt where thats from/derivative of if you could share

Anonymous Head · 20d

Hi there. I don't know if I missed it somewhere on your website but I was wondering if it's okay to link to on social media (in a tweet, youtube video description etc.) or would that be considered snitching?

Anonymous Head · 21d

hello! would it be possible for you to post what characters are included [similar to the magazine-exclusive stories that have been coming out recently] for the new FC-locked episodes of the characters daily life thing? im thinking of buying the membership for it, but i'm really only here for kenta, so i dont want to keep paying for episodes of characters i dont care about LOL

If it isn't obvious from the outside yeah I can do that. I may not need to, since they may post in a way that non-FC members can see who's involved (it's unclear how the format is going to be), but if it ends up being opaque to the outside then i can do that lol

Anonymous Head · 25d

helloo bit of a random question but, does kenta's energy drinks he likes have an official name? i see everyone calling it 'mad dog' but i cant for the life of me find the source for that 😭 is it a fan made thing that spread or is it canon from somewhere?

Anonymous Head · 26d

hiiii I don't know if it's my imagination but I think I remember that in an interview Anne mentioned that she had a parakeet or a little bird, although I think nothing else was mentioned about it, I want to know if this is true or if it's just something I read somewhere maybe ;v;

Anonymous Head · 26d

i KNEW there was a term that I was blanking on that was on the tip of my tongue so this is fairly petty but also very helpful to me, personally, as a person, because it was going to drive me crazy if i couldn't think of the word LMAO

Anonymous Head · 29d

I think it's definitely possible. I do imagine there is probably some degree of intentionality in the casting with Ono Kensho's voice generally sounding quite youthful especially when compared to Suwabe.

But then again there's always a sort of chicken and the egg situation where, like, if you're going to hire Suwabe Junichi, you'd better let him Suwabe all over all of his lines else why are you even hiring him, www

Anonymous Head · 27d

It was said Nayuta's latest Obsession is skating.Does he mean his rollerblades or does he use a skateboard too?

Judging by the OotD art and the full 3rd anniversary art, Nayuta appears to use quad rollerskates.

Anonymous Head · 27d

Hi, just a heads up: I think Shion's part is missing from your translation of Scarface?

oh my god something got lost in copy pasting. you're correct. give me two minutes i literally just forgot to copy everything out of my document when uploading the page

Anonymous Head · 28d

I feel like I don't have a good enough eye for this thing so I hope you don't mind me asking for your opinion: are the BoU 'official' English lyrics machine TL?

Anonymous Head · 1mo

Really appreciate you sharing your translations! Legit, it’s nice to see someone enjoy a franchise and share that hype with others. Regardless of how long your tls may last, I hope you yourself keep having a good time.

Speaking of, I wanted to ask if you ever finished the spoon character interviews from a couple months ago? Was there anything interesting in it

First of all, thank you! It's still a lot of fun for me to do what I do just about two years+ deep into this being a full-time hobby, so unless something really catastrophically stupid happens, I can't imagine I'm going to stop anytime soon. I'm gonna keep doing it until it stops being fun and all signs point to me enjoying this for the long haul, lol.

And second off: I was going to get around to the spoon interviews and then put them off because I was being lazy about reading the seiyuu interviews, but the character interviews are pretty short, so actually let me take a minute now and I'll whip those up. :V

Anonymous Head · 1mo

do you think the pararai seiyuus are actually playing the video games or was it prerecorded by staff and they only do the voice over (same question to autumn team but I feel like the seiyuus are actually the ones drawing)

I can't be sure but I feel like it's staff playing and deliberately roleplaying while they do (like "some characters should be playing badly"), the voiceover is written to match the gameplay, and the scripts are given to the seiyuu, but unless they actually say one way or the other, we'll never know for sure.

Generally I err on the side of there being a degree of distance between the seiyuu and their roles, because I think it'd be too convenient if everyone's skill at games(/drawing) just happened to be character-appropriate to their own character, haha.

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