Chris CM. Martinez · 5 answers · 3y

u ever think u would live in a world where u aren't allowed to work, or go out and eat? That's the fear I have with global warming. If they create a big enough threat they can take ur rights away. When do we get to enforced birth control?

That's exactly what they're doing with the Covid hoax. The World Economic Forum is basically admitting that Covid-1984 is just a trojan horse to usher in the New World Order, or as they're calling it, "The Great Reset". The UN's Covid concert had the words "A new world order behind closed doors" in the lyrics. They're not hiding it. "Global warming" is another NWO hoax to create more tyranny. They don't give a shit about the environment. They don't care about radiation from Fukushima going into the ocean. They pretend to care about plastic straws but don't care about all the other garbage in the oceans. They're not promoting hemp to reduce dependence on trees. Think about all the gas and oil the military uses around the world in unjust wars and at all the unnecessary military bases. The same establishment that invades countries at least in part for oil pretends to care about the environment. Fracking causes artificial earthquakes and flammable water. The establishment isn't banning fracking. We do mistreat the environment in various ways but man-made "global warming" is not one of them. Climate change is a natural phenomenon that they're wrongly blaming on humans so they take away more of our rights. It's called the problem-reaction-solution paradigm. The masses fall for it every time.

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