Pandy · 13 answers · 3y

Have you had your COVID vaccination yet? If so, how was your experience?

The day after my second shot kinda felt like I was recovering from the flu. I didn't really want to move or do anything and didn't have an appetite

Yes. First shot- headache and a little nausea. 2nd shot- Body aches, fever, and nausea. (About 24 hours)

Tomorrow i will get my 2nd Biontech shot.
After my first shot I didnt notice anything

I got mine a couple Thursdays ago, second dose of Moderna. Everyone I know who's had it before me said they felt feverish and weak for a few hours so I took the following day off work to recover. Wasn't necessary however, felt perfectly normal besides a little soreness on the arm they injected.

I’m getting my second dose on Thursday. With my first one I felt a little bit ill for a day or two and had a sore and heavy feeling arm but that’s all.

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