Pandy · 11 answers · 3y

What are your thoughts on 'transracialists' (people who choose to transition from one race to another to align how they identify themselves)?

Be whatever the heck you want to be, I suppose. Just don’t hurt anyone. 🤷🏻‍♀️

I don't really get it, but if that's what they need to be happy...

As for it being controversial, even among the progressive left, if one accepts that a person's biological sex and gender identity can be different, then why can't the same apply to race? It seems contradictory to accept one and reject the other... transphobic, even.

Wow. I feel blessed that I do not feel that way! I would not be able to decide if I'd turn to my asian side or to my caucasian.

Van Full of retards, hahahahaha!
They will always be what they were born as, period. Fvcking woke white people.

I don't care. I's their lives and their bodies. If there's something that's causing you any identity problem and that's affecting your whole life. Do what you have to do to feel yourself better. As long as people don't hurt others...I'm OK with all the stuff they want to do. I won't ever understand the people who have issues with this. bitch, mind your own business...Let people be. If you're unhappy with your life, work on it and let others be happy with theirs. Smh

You mean like white folks trying to be non-white? Because the second they end up in trouble those cornrows are coming OUT

You mean like weeaboo TRASH!? They can staple their eyelids to their temples if they'd like, won't change anything.

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