Pandy · 10 answers · 2y

Mental health check time - how are you guys holding up?

I’m putting off writing an email to my brother’s employer’s pension company detailing how he died and where he died. It never fucking ends…

Not bad, I'm surviving. Thanks for asking.

This reminded of this dialogue from The Sopranos:

  • Chrstopher: " You ever feel like nothin' good was ever gonna happen to you?"
  • Paulie: "Yeah. And nothin' did. So what? I'm alive, I'm survivin'."

Not that great, I'm struggling a bit. Finally got an actual doctor's appointment (which I'm anxious about going to, ironically making me feel worse) after waiting for weeks, and hopefully I can get a referral to the mental health service (not that they've ever been able to make much difference for me in the past, but I don't really have any other options).

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