Pandy · 11 answers · 2y

Metaphorically speaking, would you rather be a big fish in a little pond, or a little fish in a big pond? (i.e a big deal in a small area; or a small part in something big)

a dead fish in a shark's belly...oh alright I guess out of those two I would rather be the small fish, I would rather blend in, standing out is overrated

Tough choice, but I guess I'd rather be the latter because the big picture always exists whether you consider it or not, and in the former case I'm still a small fry in the bigger picture, and I wouldn't want to be ignorant of the bigger picture.

The big fish in the small pond will always get a rude awakening one day. It’s best to be the small fish.

From the standpoint of a little fish ( bait ) it is better to be in a big pond. The chances for survival are better.

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