Pandy · 12 answers · 2y

What is your favourite type of bird?

I love birds tbh. Corvids are my favorite, you know, like crows and blue jays. But I just love a bird, I'm even really fond of vultures, the poor misunderstood bald bbys. That's definitely something I've grown into though, because I remember being sort of hot and cold on birds when I was younger.

I maintain that in general birds are jerks and are best experienced slow roasted to perfection

Ugh… one shat on me yesterday so I’m kind of mad at birds right now. (I like owls)

Not sure if i have a favorite one but I find very funny penguins and cockatiels

.. I'm tempted to say the truth but it is sitting close, the chicken, you know, but it cannot read, though you never know what it can.

Exotic birds are nice, but I like the common garden birds that I can see from the kitchen window. Groups of house sparrows are my favourite to watch.

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