Pandy · 9 answers · 5y

Do you get along with your extended family? (i.e. grandparents, cousins etc.)

Um, I guess? I would say we co-exist peacefully. I don't know what to call it. It ain't love.

My cousins are a rare breed, haven't seen them for this reason for ages. So we go along extremely well I think compared to others.

Yea. I love being with them. Spending time with my grandparents, having fun with my cousins . I get along well with my extended fam.

Bruh... You're like my long long long distance cousin and if Adam and Eve is true there's a chance incest happened and we are all related so... I think I get along ok with everyone except 3 people in my entire lifetime that don't like me at all.

My maternal grandparents are like second parents to me because I've lived in the same house as them for most of my life. Other than them, the only ones I see much of are my maternal aunt's family but I don't really make conversation with them, I usually just say hellos and goodbyes. Not because I don't like them but because of my difficulties with being social.


My grandparents are deceased and my parents are only children, so …

I barely know my extended family, 'cause they're "very extended."

I don't have contact with my cousins. I have one grandfather who is not very ill, I get along fine with him.

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