Pandy · 12 answers · 4y

On a scale from 1 to 10 how 'cheeky' are you? Is it more or less than my cheeky self?

I'm only cheeky when I talk to one specific person, and with that person I'm often pretty cheeky. He's a SOB and being cheeky is my way of stepping on eggshells while talking to him.

I'm 50% german, that should answer that question. We only are cheeky while plotting something cruel. Hehe.

The word cheeky is illegal here unless you're talking about underwear. And if I was underwear, I wouldn't be a cheeky panty. I would probably be a control brief bc I'm here to support a bitch when they need it

Not that cheeky, probably like 3. that seems like a predominantly British thing to behave like that effortlessly / use that word

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