Pandy · 15 answers · 4y

Describe your current relationship with bacon...

when I first read this question I thought you were asking us to describe our relationship... but in terms of bacon strips.

I think I was wrong tho. anyway, I eat bacon when it's in front of me but it's not rly a staple in my diet. I rarely use it in my own cooking

Well, it's not Shrek and Fiona. Bacon disgusts me tbh, but people have been pushing us into an arranged marriage my whole life. I'm just not big into pork in general, it's kind of heinous unless it's in bun thit nuong.

we had a little commitment ceremony up in Vermont a few years back, it was beautiful

Chips with bacon flavour I always liked fine but all ALL the rest of it, is just disgusting. Worst part the poor pigs.

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