Pandy · 9 answers · 4y

Ok, now provide some good advice for someone going through some mental health issues:

Anger is like a poison. Why burden yourself with it, especially when it won't change your situation?

it's a long 1 on 1 conversation. Letting them vent out all of their inner demons. Learning from their perspective and trying to find a redirection on to a more optimal path. (not easy- mental illness is never easy) it takes time but they're worth the investment and effort so I'd beg them never to give up and always seek a way. (I'd gladly be there as an ally if and whenever they'd wish me to)

Says nothing... sits and tries to be an empathetic friend and good/active listener

I can only speak for my own issues here, but I don't know that there's anything specific to say or do, I just want not to feel abandoned, I want to trust that I have support - I don't even know what support means though

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