Pandy · 11 answers · 4y

Are you more or less attracted to someone who seems to attract a lot of people?

Definitely less attracted. Not because they themselves are unattractive, they could be super charismatic and nice, but it's just not the energy I like to be around. It's anxiety-inducing and part of me just doesn't trust people like that lmao.

It is unlikely that that I feel attracted to the latter type. But exception proves the rule.

🐍 they're charming and kind. Personally, attraction is based on merit and deeds. I can't hold something positive against them. 🐛 At the end of the day, their heart is what speaks volumes and their nurture is what keeps the sparks beating behind closed doors. 🦋

More, I needs me a social butterfly in my life to meet other people through or my bridge troll ass would only have them

Less attracted if I'm being honest. It's intimidating to see well liked people with strong social lives because I ain't got (m)any friends. I feel like I can't relate to them. It comes down to their personality in the end, but that's just my gut reaction sry to say.

Probably less, since I'm not really attracted to any bougie cishets, and they're the big sellers. I think I'm probably also just more attracted to people who have more shared experiences with me, including the one of being considered an unfuckable abomination by a high percentage of the population.

More. social capital is attractive. it demonstrates that they're well adjusted and I usually think of them as well rounded people. I used to have a friend who didn't have much of this capital and they would constantly blow up my phone because they didn't have other people to talk to, other stuff to do. I also dated someone like that and she was an abusive BITCH! (not sure that there is any correlation, I just wanted to say she's a bitch)

Probably more, just on a statistical level--it's not that everybody that attracts a lot of people attracts me. And it's not that I'm attracted to them because they attract a lot of people. It's just that they attract me for the same reasons they attract everybody else.

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