Chris CM. Martinez · 5 answers · 4y

Are men more likely to be homophobic than women? Women kiss each other and it could mean nothing. Male sexuality isn't as fluid. Once u suck a dick there's no going back😄

Probably, guys are a bunch of insecure douchebags that are always trying to convince everyone they're definitely not gay

You might be mislead by the fact that friendship among women appears as more intimate sometimes than among men. While men tend to be more vocal about their homophobic culture and personal feeling women are less publicly vocal but equally tough and stubborn about their prejudices.

Yes. Though I don't think not wanting to kiss a guy or suck a dick makes you homophobic. But I think men are less likely to want to kiss or have oral sex with another person of the same sex if they're not gay, and I'd guess they're more likely to be homophobic too.

Yes. A lot of girls are actually pretty gay yet they aren't literally gay. I can remember sitting on a friend's lap while we were in shorts because there wasn't enough room in the backseat of the car. There was nothing sexual about it and nobody felt uncomfortable. Men are always extremely defensive about their sexualities on the other hand, they act like being thought of as effeminate is the ultimate insult to their masculinity.

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