Chris CM. Martinez · 6 answers · 3y

Has the outbreak been good for u or bad? Its been great for me I've got disposable income, I got some good weed from my dealer. She hooked me up. Got my dick sucked last week. ( by the dealer😉)I'm on cloud 9😄

It's been good. Got to spend time with my son. My hubby, and now another is on the way.

Taking your idea of good outbreak.. Mine has being terrible. I didn't have my dick sucked and I'm unemployed r n so no income. I thought of applying for a vacant in the brothel close to my apartment but I came to figure out they closed it and now it's a guesthouse smh. Still have the weed waiting for me. I hope it gives me a good high at least

Apart from not knowing wtf to do with myself half the time, its been aight. I've gotten to watch a few shows and see them out, i've gotten my fitness back into gear, ive actually not been too alone either in general so there's definitely more blessings to count for me in that regard

Goods are that I've made a good amount of money during the pandemic with very little costs. Some other goods have been I was furloughed for 7 sunny weeks and I really got to slow down (which after a crazy few months was great) I also got to move into my house slowly rather than chaotically which was nice too. I've also lost about an inch and a half off of my waist. Bads are its been pretty lonely and my mental health has suffered. Its also halted quite a few social plans.

In all earnest, I wouldn't want my dealer to eat me out, no. As if my sex life wasn't already bleak, the outbreak erased the remaining rest of it almost.

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