Chris CM. Martinez · 4 answers · 3y

You have to be more than a little disturbed to even want to be president of the US. To rule over the free world u have to have a massive ego and a power trip.

Let me say this: What free world? And how can someone "free" have a leader and why could that be the president of another country? And why on earth should it be a corrupt dumb ass?

What if you just want to know all the juicy secrets, and find out if a bunch of conspiracy theories are true? And if you find out that some of it's still classified to you, well then that's one of those theories confirmed. Obviously you couldn't tell anyone those secrets unless you want to be suicided by three gunshots to the back of the head by someone who looks suspiciously like Hillary Clinton wearing a wig, sunglasses and fake moustache.

Power trip is a verb not an adjective, and I wouldn't call Obama or Jimmy Carter an egomaniac.

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