Chris CM. Martinez · 5 answers · 3y

What are the pros and cons of universal basic income? 🙂

Pros are that the money gets put back into the economy. Cons are that inflation (over an extended period) will offset these gains and render them useless. Similar to how social security isn't enough for most retired folks to live on and welfare recipients still require subsidized housing.

Pro: people won't have to stress out all the time over their jobs because there'll be a safety net so they can't end up homeless, it'll be a more compassionate country where we don't let a sizable proportion of the population live on the streets and beg for money for food every day..
Con: less incentive to work, maybe not enough people would choose to work to pay for the people who don't..

That even non existent people on non existent planets would benefit! Think universal! It is a commy thing and we must work for the pink apes on Mars!

Pro's less crime, better welfare con's massive inflation that leaves the new basic income poor.

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