Chris CM. Martinez · 4 answers · 4y

there's a guy got 25yrs in jail for hitting a drunk woman in a club Damn i can beat someone half to death and get less time. Does the law still consider women a weaker sex? u want equality ladies u have to learn how to get knocked the fuck out:)

There was a judge who was found to have a quid pro quo with a private prison, so he gave people extremely harsh sentences deliberately. Wouldn't be surprised if something similar went on here.

If it's two people of the same gender (or a woman hitting a man), that's likely a misdemeanor at worst - case might even get dropped completely... yes women generally fare better than men in court - they routinely get lighter sentences for identical crimes ... if nobody hit anybody it would solve the problem but that isn't happening

How is that possible? Aren't there limits on how severe you can punish someone in court for a certain crime? Must be an asshole to hit a drunk woman and he deserves jail and shit but 25yrs? Others can rape and murder and get less. Guess I need to know much more details.

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