Pandy · 11 answers · 3y

What is the spiciest food you've eaten?

It was an ordinary thanksgiving holiday. Newlywed Cloud and her husband were over at his aunt’s house, where everyone were gathered. The food laden table was dotted with clear jars full of spicy chili pastes made and brought in by each household. You could drizzle it on your plate if you so wished for extra slice. Cloud, wanting to impress everyone with her spice tolerance went for the “black devil,” the spiciest one that nobody wanted to touch. All were impressed. But cloud decided to go one step further, and instead of drizzling, doused her food. Oh she had fun for a few minutes. The taste was simply amazing. Kind of spicy. But amazing. Omg, really spicy... but still good.. what the fuck her lungs were in fire !!!! But still yummy... 🌶 🥵 she put on a brace face and nodded politely to amazed compliments. But inside, she was dying. Half an hour later, her lips and lungs were no longer burning up... but... suddenly, in the middle of an interesting conversation, cloud’s belly tumbled ominously. That’s fine, she convinced herself. She had, after all, battled and stifled diarrhea urges before. Little did she know that this time it was different. Whatever was inside her was going to get out, no matter how hard cloud clenched. Oh, don’t get her wrong, she tried. But being an experienced diarrhea holder, she knew this was one battle she could not win. So, she made a decision. She would shit her guts out. But NOT in this house. No sir... she was not going to flush her new gained respect down the toilet. So, she sneaked out, drove to her parents’ house about 20 minutes away, and exploded on her childhood toilet. Oh my goodness, what a glorious explosion it was... it left her shaking and weak but so thankful that it hadn’t happened in the car. Then, she wiped her butt and went back to the party like nothing had happened. TLDR; ate some spicy chili, had painful diarrhea.

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