cLOUD · 10 answers · 3y

Is there anything good to eat in your fridge right now?

Duck spring rolls. Spanish tortilla. Chestnut cured bacon. Feta cheese pastries. Green olives. Lots of yoghurts. Mounds of cheese. Sliced honey roast ham. Smoked pork sausage. Any of that take your fancy?

I'm staying with my cishet male friend who uses 2 in 1 shampoo and his weekly groceries weigh about 3 lbs in total so there's not a whole lot (don't get me wrong i love him, he just lives minimalistcally)

I've got some leftover spice rub I used on a chicken breast. Baked it in the oven and served with some noodles

Other than leftover birria, rice, beans, and salsa— no. Only “ingredients”

a BLT, other than that it's bacon, eggs, milk, beer, Coke, a jar of duck fat, and almost any condiment you can imagine

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