Chris CM. Martinez · 6 answers · 4y

ppl scrambling to find ways to stop mass shootings. just teach your kids to treat ppl with respect. U know what u NEVER hear during this, how much that shooter was likely tortured by those kids. I don't have alot of sympathy for these victims

It's good to have compassion for the shooters too instead of simply hating and demonizing them--they're humans too. But the victims deserve sympathy too. Like others have said, they don't just go in and shoot the people who tortured them, they shoot randomly. One of the shootings, I don't remember which one but it was a major one, the shooter was severely autistic and I guess taking care of him was too much for his mother so she was going to put him in some kind of "home"... he got insanely jealous of the kids she loved and cared for at school so he went in and massacred them. Had nothing to do with the action of the kids.

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