inhahe · 10 answers · 4y

Would you rather be super rich, or go down in history as a great mind? (Typo fixed)

So basically, it's a question of whether to benefit myself at present or benefit myself in future. Sigh... I'd love to be super rich but I think I'd like to be remembered for my brilliance more.

Super rich. Having your great mind only recognised once you’re dead doesn’t pay the bills.

Super rich. My only shot at being a great mind is in the tiny field of comparative physiology, which none of you have heard about, and that's why

I want to go down as a great guy for sharing my wealth in a wonderful way that really benefits the creatures of this place.

super rich, a bunch of internet stans would worship me regardless of any lack of intelligence or really any moral shortcomings at all - also I could buy up all the mainstream media to manage my reputation, and anybody who talks shit is just a nobody conspiracy theorist

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