Merida · 7 answers · 2y

How easy is to get you drunk?

I’m not a lightweight. But it depends how often I’ve been drinking. If I haven’t touched a drink in a while, 7-8 beers/ 3-4 tequila shots / 3 + glasses of wine. But if I’ve built a tolerance, not that easy.

There needs to be at least two hours of no eating, then about 4 is enough to do it. That's when I'm alone though, not sure if it would happen faster when being social.

It depends what I’m drinking. If it’s spirits: quite a lot. If it’s something sparkling: three glasses and I’m feeling it.

Its pretty tricky tbh. I have to want to, which means having fun for several hours, being comfortable that I'll be able to get home that night too and being comfortable with the people I'm around.

I know two such states of being drunk, one with beverages and one with persons I like who make me feel excited. The former might take half a bottle of red wine , the latter is hardly predictable.

Since I got sick it's a lot easier - a couple of drinks and I'm buzzing, I'm a cheap date

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