Merida · 9 answers · 2y

I'm thinking about getting an air-fryer. Do you have one? Would you recommend it?

I used one at a friends kitchen multiple times. I'm not convinced. It dries rather than fries.

If you have the counter space and feel that you could use it often then get it. I have a combination air fryer, steamer, pressure cooker appliance, but quite honestly I don’t use it often.

I do, I love mine and use it almost daily, The only issue I ever had is that it had space for two trays on top of each other, and the bottom tray didn't cook at the same rate as the top tray (the hot air comes from the top down) so the trays had to be swapped halfway through to cook evenly. I got a new one that wasn't as tall, but had more depth so that I could cook the same amount of food with one bigger tray that cooked evenly

I have it I love it. It’s fast and crisps thing really well without a lot of oil.

People swear by them, but my mum has had one for about 10 years and maybe used it like 5 times.

I've thought of getting one too. I would recommend it but maybe make sure your outlets can handle the voltage. Not that they can cause fires. But you can pit your lights out. Happens with my space heater🙂

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