Merida · 7 answers · 2y

Are ethics learnt or natural?

I think it's both. Part of who we naturally are and what we choose to do during the not so good times

Morals are your personal code of conduct: some are learned from your family/friends/religion/being part of a community (don’t covet your neighbour’s donkey), some are just plain obvious (don’t kill people [if they don’t deserve it]), others you decide for yourself as you go along (don’t be a complete bastard for money).

They're probably learned and absorbed at a young age. That's why crappy parents raise crappy kids🙂

Both, I think it is partly an instinct and partly inherited knowledge passed from parents and groups to next generations.

Ethics is systemetized morality, definitely not natural. Morality has a number of sources or causes, some of them natural, some of them learned. Here's my list of the sources of moral principles: love, empathy/compassion/sympathy, values, beliefs, desires, fears, judgment and condemnation/hatred, personal experiences, peers/societal influence/groupthink, etc. (I'll let you decide which ones are natural and which ones are learned.)

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