
Furry - Purple Psychic Cat // She/her // Folklore nerd // Obsesses over niche things // Spoonie 💤 //

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Anonymous Coward · 6y

What is the best thing ever?

Cuddles with cats! You can pretty much wake me up for cuddles with cats! (and my cat frequently does!)

Anonymous Coward · 6y

What do you think about dragons?

Anonymous Coward · 6y

What do you do on the weekend?

Anonymous Coward · 6y

What is your favourite piece of music?

Gonna take a moment to shill my favorite music from that VN I talked about earlier

Couldn't just pick one, sorry. I picked one from a couple of different styles that feature a lot in Umineko

Anonymous Coward · 6y

What do you do for fun?

I do art, as well as play games
I have a bit of a problem where I can only focus on one thing at the time so its either or. Not both.

Anonymous Coward · 6y

Adding to the question below, what is your favorite series?

Anonymous Coward · 6y

What is your favourite website and why is it Twitter?

why is it Mastodon

Well you see, Mastodon is an open source and decentralized federated social network, meaning your data is not in the hands of one big company like with Twitter. If you want to run an instance, you can!

I honestly think there's a lot less toxic behavior on mastodon than on Twitter.

Anonymous Coward · 6y

What kind of animals do you have?

I have two cats! They're two fluffy Maine Coons. Brother and sister but also very good friends

Anonymous Coward · 6y

What is your favourite season?

Spring! Not to hot, not too cold, everything starts to become greener again with each passing day 💜

Anonymous Coward · 6y

Have you ever written in Japanese?


I know some hiragana and I want to learn more, but I can't find the time/motivation

Anonymous Coward · 6y

What is the worst thing about your favourite series?

That it's very niche! This means I can't talk about it to anybody, even though more people should know about it.
And that saying literally anything other than the summary is a spoiler and ruins the experience for others.

Anonymous Coward · 6y

Do you like video games?

Yea I do! Currently very excited for the Spyro Reignited trilogy, that game was my childhood! :)

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