Katie 🍋 · 10 answers · 3y

Are you afraid of confrontation or do you tackle it head on when necessary?

I don't look forward to it, but whenever necessary I'm not afraid to confront people.

99% of the time it's bullshit that's not worth dealing with. I can usually deal with it just fine if it's something important or if someone else starts it

I sometimes provoke it. I have a hard time to stand the sort of self righteousness that some people think they are entitled to by nature.

I wouldn't say I'm afraid, but I'm not an agressive person. All the fights I've ever been in were started by someone else. Fortunately as a big softie when I do go harsh with my words and actions it quickly throughs people off wanting to be confrontational with me.

It depends. Is it worth my time and energy? Will it leave me seething for days if I don’t? If the answer to these questions is yes, then it must be dealt with head on, STAT.

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