Daniel · 10 answers · 3y

Im not sure if i understood what americans mean when they say they are dating someone. Is that the same as being in a romantic relationship?

There is no such thing in this culture like "dating". We use the term but we do not have the same cultural habit. "Dating" is a socio-cultural habit of meeting with a potential partner in a socially acceptable setting. it formalises the contact, the way of knowing each other and finding out if you like each other. It is an intermediate state of relationship that can be due to its loose attachment broken up without blame or hurt, as it is expected to be just a phase with loose bonds. Although it also avoids commitment and so to say final agreement and attachment, it does come with some social responsibility to avoid dating other persons at the same time and such. I think it developed from puritan social behaviour when arranged marriage had a phase where the families brought two people together in order to let them adapt to the idea and see if it is a good match. The latter being measured by the family, not by the future partners.

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