Kate Matsuda · 15 answers · 3y

Potato salad. Mayonaise or not?

I’ll happily eat either, as long as the without mayo kind isn’t full of mustard seeds.

I've only eaten potato salad made with mayonnaise and sour cream or mayonnaise and mustard. I don't think the bacon grease and/or oil and vinegar potato salad is really a thing in the US. I prefer no potato salad, I've never liked it, it leaves a bad taste and feels like a brick in my stomach. I don't like mayonnaise in general, I guess.

Wouldn't be potato salad without it, but I don't like when it's swimming in mayo. Less is more. Also chill overnight, always better the next day.

A little, I usually blend the mayo with some dijon mustard or a curry/yogurt blend or something, I experiment with flavors, but having it drenched in mayo is 🤢

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