Kate Matsuda · 9 answers · 2y

What gross thing did you do as a teen and you now regret?

Started smoking. Then I quit, and then I started again. If I hadn't started so young the first time I think I probably could have stayed away even over these past two hellscape years.

Giving my real name and address to a 35 year old dude when I was 16. What! He told me I wasn’t like other 16 year olds. I was so dumb. Luckily he didn’t show up at my doorstep. Just sent me snail mail talking about how I was different from anyone else he had ever met.

I don't know about gross but I remember I had dandruff for some time when I was a teenager and I read/heard somewhere that if you rubbed yogurt or lemon juice on your hair, it would help you get rid of the dandruff. I did that a couple of times and every time it felt weird!

I used to judge the quality of a day by the amounts of hugs I'd get from pretty women... it was pathetic and I'm glad I've grown up.

Eat food that sat out on a table all night and into the next day, especially pizza...I mean we all know pizza is indestructible but still

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