Kate Matsuda · 11 answers · 4y

Did your parents block access to any books on their shelf for you when you were a kid? I wanted to read "Lady Chatterley's Lover" by D.H. Lawrence and when I looked for it it had disappeared.

No, we didn't have many book in our house. Honestly we didn't have any shelf that holds the books. I used to go to the library to borrow books.

Not with books. My mom did flip through magazines and rip out pages she thought were too sexy. Like this ad that used to be in Guitar World lmao https://i.ytimg.com/vi/TobIrhWMl6Q/hqdefault.jpg

No, I could read anything - and there was a lot. Anything not suitable was kept out of sight. Which I may have ‘stumbled’ across accidentally on purpose.

They didn't know how or what to censor but I'm sure given the chance they would have. I wasn't allowed to have anything resembling "the devil" so my mom once tore up a Star Wars coloring book I had because Darth Maul was on the cover. Also made me return "Where the Wild Things are" for the same reason.

No, but I'm not sure if they had any books - at least I only remember them reading newspapers or magazines. Actually, there was one I remember that probably belonged to my Mum, which I looked at from time to time and it was about how babies develop in the womb. There was one photo in it that I remember which showed a woman giving birth, with the baby's head poking out, so they weren't the kind of parents to take issue with me seeing that kind of thing.

Yes pretty much all fiction novels were frowned upon, even Harry Potter was the devil

No, in fact two very sexual books appeared on the top shelf of my closet when I was a kid. Nobody knows where they came from. One was called "Mrs. Prostitute" and the other was called "Women Who Have Sexual Relations with Animals" or something like that.

not that i recall. My patents never blocked movies, books anything really .. they let me watch or read what i wanted. plus they've said so many vulgar things to each other with me around that i hear is all by 5:)

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