Kate Matsuda

Born and still living, ask for details if nosy ;-)

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Daniel · 4 answers · 12h

What are some cities that you have zero interest in visiting?

Most if not all with high crime rates. Also none any more in India. Bad memories of India. The porter at my hotel sold my room and phone number to random men in the lobby who waited there every time I left or came back. I've been told that this is sort of a custom for single women. Shit.

Anonymous Coward · 13h

Braucht deine scheide beschnittene schwänze?

Anonymous Coward · 13h

Tell us the story why you have been to the men's restroom 😅

Anonymous Coward · 13h

Raus aus'm.buro rein ins PornoCasting mit dir

Anonymous Coward · 13h

Du fragst wieso die Filme für den Müll waren die du sahst wo ne schlampe nicht richtig stöhnt ?

Ich glaube da waren gar keine Schlampen zu sehen. :-) Der Film war einfach schlecht.

Arthur · 4 answers · 1d

Slightly ranty question: if you earn money by working on social media, it's your job to capitalize (maximize engagement) on any platform you find, including platforms which weren't made to be capitalized, which can generate annoying results. Do you think such a thing should be allowed? Weigh in your opinions!

When you capitalise on a social platform you are selling the best asset of a social platform, the feeling, the mood, the stance, the community. When you sold it it never comes back. So it would be wise to only modestly make money from that. Usually the inventors are successfull with a platform, then sell it to investors, they then start to ruin the platform in order to squeeze out money to the max. That is a repeating scheme.

LaDamaX · 7 answers · 1d

What is your protein of choice (animal, vegetarian or vegan)?

All of that usually. I tried grilled big ants. I must say I wiped it off of my protein list.

Anonymous Coward · 1d

why do some girls have boy names?

Some names can be used for any gender, some have a traditional gender connotation or expectation but today people lost knowledge about their meaning and history and just use names as they like. Also I would like to know why some boys bear names like "River" or "Moon".

Kabus · 1d

What should I say to your girlfriend?

Whatever you want as long as you keep it nice. Otherwise she's great at staring with her piercing eyes deep inside your skull to make a person feel weird.

Arthur · 6 answers · 1d

So there's a study that negatively correlated employment rate with financial and economical performance. Do you agree that unemployment is good for business?

Arthur · 7 answers · 1d

My mom just got diagnosed with shingles. Is she going to be okay?

Shit. It is a viral infection. It can be painful and long lasting until your immune system can get rid of it. There is no direct treatment but vaccination as far as I know. But in most cases patients are going to be okay eventually. What did doctors say?

Pandy · 6 answers · 2d

Roughly what percent of the global population do you think are terrible people?

Pandy · 6 answers · 2d

Roughly what percent of the global population do you think are amazing people?

Though my experience is very limited I think that figure is close to one percent or less.

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