Kate Matsuda

Born and still living, ask for details if nosy ;-)

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Shannon ( birthday ) · 4 answers · 17h

I have 33 hours left for holiday this year should I take it or should I save it? :)

If I were you I'd save it for a day or some time when you need it in case of feeling bad or for an occasion when you will feel extra happy.

Shannon ( birthday ) · 8 answers · 14h

Why do people think I am not a real person? It's the second time someone has said that to me.

Shannon ( birthday ) · 4 answers · 20h

Do you think the st Georges flag is toxic?

It used to be St. Georges flag but now changed sides and turned into a symbol of right wing idiots in some places?

Shannon ( birthday ) · 5 answers · 22h

What's your opinion on having to pay to use the toilet?

Finding a clean toilet while travelling with the car is sometimes an issue. I pay gladly for one to exist and for it to be clean. It is a service and people do not value it enough so they tend to take it for granted and leave any toilet accordingly. If people would be more sensible shops and petrol stations would offer that service for free as a convenience for customers and guests. But people tend to piss on things that are free as worthless unless it's a public WiFi then they become aggressive when it's off.

LaDamaX · 6 answers · 22h

At what point in the day are you the most willing/likely to get emotionally “naked”?

I'm the afternoon type. Also right now. Just came out of bed and I'am unfed and no coffee yet.

Dingus · 5 answers · 23h

Is your soul nude right now?

Haven't had breakfast yet and sitting here in my bed gear so you could say not only my soul having nude spots.

LaDamaX · 7 answers · 1d

On a scale of 1-10…( 10 being I am spry and chipper and can keep going like the Energizer bunny and 1 being I sit on the couch for the rest of the evening/day in a semi vegetative state) how “spent” do you come home after work?

I am not an extrovert of any sorts but also not an introvert in the classical sense either. Which means I do receive energy by social interaction from people but also invest own energy. When there are too much such interactions that balance tilts to the negative side. I do from intense and multiple customer interaction loose energy. So sometimes I'm like the Energizer bunny without battery and sometimes still going but at half the rate. Afterwards I need to refill, recover, recharge. A bit of Kate alone at home is then required.

Arthur · 5 answers · 1d

German far-righr AfD staffer arrested on China spy charges. Thoughts?

Another one has ties to Russian spies. All those German Nationalist party members have a disgust for democracy and love autocratic schemes like in Russia and China. They have a deeply rooted liking for Emperors and Dictators. And it shows.

Dingus · 4 answers · 2d

Who is frequently featured in your dreams and nightmares?

Anonymous Coward · 2d

why do girls lie about having a boyfriend?

Anonymous Coward · 3d

why do some people take showers in the morning before they leave?

Some even take a full bath. Also some have no water and must use sand as a washing agent in the desert.

LaDamaX · 11 answers · 3d

At what age do you think would be the “perfect” time to have children (if you chose to have them)? Be specific. Why?

LaDamaX · 9 answers · 3d

What does it mean when your mother keeps sending you home-remedy skin care (for tired and aging skin) videos via social media? She does know how old I am, right? 🙄😅

She still believes you're a child and need her care, that age gap didn't close at all from her perspective! Also it is like saying: See how well I am doing, just follow my advice it is tested as you can see! - Hahahahahahahahahah!

Arthur · 6 answers · 3d

My cousin is playing in the band of a famous artist and they're appearing all over TV. How can I profit off him?

Offer him any valuable services you possibly could provide to support them. But it will still feel creepy even if you could offer something serious. Do not do the: May I carry the microphone for you - thing!

Anonymous Coward · 3d

why do friends get mad at you when you date with their ex boyfriend or girlfriend?

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