LaDamaX · 12 answers · 4y

‘Ello my friends... How are we all holding up on this lovely (and quite rainy for me) COVID-19 Monday?

grunt I’m getting cranky. Hard to work from home and take care of a toddler who is constantly demanding your attention

I went grocery shopping on Monday and discovered that white people have zero sense of urgency at checkout lines. Jfc bitch we got places to be HURRY 👏 THE 👏 FUCK 👏 UP 👏 SUSAN! 👏

Literally everyone is self quarentining. Ghost town out there. I went to Starbucks this morning and they got rid of all their tables and chairs, have signs up basically saying "buy something and GTFO"

I had to go to work still, so it's been pretty typical except everyone is losing their minds and trying to show me Facebook posts about Pizza Gate 4x as much.

The sun was shining, I could've enjoyed some outdoors time all by myself and read a book.
There's apparently enforcement against loitering in place, but who's gonna care if I stroll in the woods for a while.

Next time for sure tough.

My girlfriends workmate has been tested positive, a division of our company is officially ill and quarantined. So I'd say the impact craters are getting ever more close. So far no symptoms. I did all the dishwashing now after cooking and cleaning the kitchen. I am a good girl, if I would be still a girl, but damn they wrote me a letter starting with Dear Mrs. and now my youth is over ... ahahahahahaha!

Just hanging out with my new kid, OK it's my friend's kid and I agreed to him spending the week here because I am a crazy person - we're sheltered in place but we are well stocked with food and games - and we going to build a robot! Oh and he doesn't know it yet but he might need to learn how to shave, but we'll cross that bridge when we get to it

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