Anonymous Coward · 5y

What kind of games do you strive to make? Like what direction do you go for?

This is a bit hard to answer because I've never been exactly sure, but I've always at any given point tried to set certain goals and standards for myself. When I had a complete collapse at the end of last year and then decided to start making text based games, my intent was simply to strive to make the kinds of games that would make me feel better about myself, to ease the immense pain I was feeling at the time, which is why my first game is really uncomfortable and (I think) batshit. After that I've just been meaning to make things that have been open and honest, or something humorous where I could really just let loose without thinking about standards (which drew me towards the culture and philosophy of Glorious Trainwrecks, which is a wonderful game design community). But with this most recent project, I've been trying to make something emotional, meaningful, with highs and lows and something inspiring to take away from it. It has been an intense process. After this I want to move onto making 2D and 3D games because I feel like my knowledge of code has passed the threshold finally. So this Twine game I'm doing right now has to be really special before I feel like I can move onto 2D or 3D. When I do, I intend for the first ones to be fun little microgames either in Godot or Clickteam Fusion, and I wanna have that sort of unfocused humor, but also want to find a way to make honest to god points in microgames. Sorry if this is off base from how you wanted me to respond to this, I sort of sank into a think-hole.

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