nefarious yeets · 7 answers · 4y

Sesame Street luvs educational song parodies so Dave Matthews and Grover sang to kids about depression. If you had to sing with a Muppet, what would you like to talk to kids about through the power of song? And which Muppet would assist you?

It would have to be Miss Piggy, and we’d do a number about body positivity and loving yourself for who you are. I’m thinking full on Fred Astaire - top hats, tails, canes, the works. We take a line each with short tap sequences between verses.

“Like yourself for who you are. If you don’t you won’t get far. See the good in those around you. You never know, they may astound you.”

tap sequence

(we each hold up heavily airbrushed advertising pictures handily placed inside our top hats) “No one’s perfect you can bet. What you see ain’t what you get. Love yourself like others do. They see the good inside of you.”

tap sequence

“It’s not a ‘like’ it’s not a ‘smile’ that help to make your day worthwhile. It’s being true, it’s being kind that leaves the haters far behind.”

tap sequence

“Be yourself and don’t be shy to let your freak out, let it fly!”

throw top hats in the air

“Show them who you really are. Then in life you will go far. A pig in pearls is never wrong, so dance with us and sing along.” jazz hands

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